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Using deployctl on the command line

deployctl is a command line tool (CLI) that lets you work with the Deno Deploy platform.

Install deployctl

You can install the deployctl command with the below command:

deno install -Arf


The most basic usage of deployctl is to get in the root of the project you want to deploy, and execute:

deployctl deploy

By default, deployctl will guess the project name based on the Git repo or directory it is in. Similarly, it will guess the entrypoint by looking for files with common entrypoint names (main.ts, src/main.ts, etc). After the first deployment, the settings used will be stored in a config file (by default deno.json).

You can specify the project name and/or the entrypoint using the --project and --entrypoint arguments respectively:

deployctl deploy --project=helloworld --entrypoint=src/entrypoint.ts

By default, deployctl deploys all the files in the current directory (recursively). You can customize this behaviour using the --include and --exclude arguments (also supported in the config file). Here are some examples:

  • Include only source and static files:

    deployctl deploy --include=./src --include=./static
  • Ignore the node_modules directory:

    deployctl deploy --exclude=./node_modules

A common pitfall is to not include the source code modules that need to be run (entrypoint and dependencies). The following example will fail because main.ts is not included:

deployctl deploy --include=./static --entrypoint=./main.ts

The entrypoint can also be a remote script. A common use case for this is to deploy an static site using std/http/file_server.ts (more details in Static Site Tutorial):

deployctl deploy --include=dist --entrypoint=

See the help message (deployctl -h) for more details.

deno CLI and local development

For local development you can use the deno CLI. To install deno, follow the instructions in the Deno manual.

After installation, you can run your scripts locally:

$ deno run --allow-net=:8000 ./main.ts
Listening on http://localhost:8000

To watch for file changes add the --watch flag:

$ deno run --allow-net=:8000 --watch ./main.ts
Listening on http://localhost:8000

For more information about the Deno CLI, and how to configure your development environment and IDE, visit the Deno Manual's Getting Started section.